How To
Plant Bulbs
The great thing about planting bulbs is that anyone can do it – even the most inexperienced or novice gardener can get involved. Planting bulbs is a cheap and cost-effective way of getting lots of fabulous colour into your garden all year round, whether for Spring into Summer or Summer into Autumn.
Bulbs are pretty hardy and will return every year, not only that they are pretty clever things as well! They will stay under ground until they are ready to grow – so you don’t need to worry about them, even in winter, as they will be quite happy in the soil until ready to grow at the right time.
Don’t be frightened to plant lots of different bulbs in one small area. Bulbs grow at different rates and times, so by planting lots of different bulbs in the same area, you can almost be guaranteed new and colourful flowers right through the season.
Planting Your Spring & Summer Bulbs
When to plant spring bulbs?
The perfect time of year to plant bulbs for Spring, is in Autumn (September/October) while the soil is still warm.
When to plant summer bulbs?
The perfect time of year to plant bulbs for Summer is in Spring (March/April/May) once the soil starts to warm up again following the winter months.

How to plant bulbs
You can either plant straight into the soil, which many people do, or plant into containers – this way you won’t forget where you’ve planted your bulbs and accidentally dig them up when taking out bedding plants that have finished flowering for the season! If planting in containers, simply plant them into the soil in Spring or Autumn and patiently wait.
What depth to plant Spring Bulbs / Summer Bulbs
The general rule of thumb when planting bulbs is to dig them in twice the depth of soil to the size of the bulb. ie if your bulb is 5cm high, dig a hole 10cm deep. Pop your bulb in and cover up. Your clever bulb will do the rest!
Methods For Planting Your Bulbs

How to plant Bulbs in Containers
Planting bulbs into a container is a popular method used to create an effortlessly beautiful and bright potted display for Spring or Summer. Container planting can be done with both your spring and summer bulbs, using the correct method of planting, such as lasagne planting, and combining complimentary bulbs to plant together, you can really create that wow factor.
Bulb Container Planting – Lasagne Planting
Let’s talk about the main method to planting your bulbs in a pot/container. Lasagne planting is a popular method of planting which is simple to do with all the correct ingredients. All you need to do is 1. Choose your bulbs, 2. Select the right pot, 3. Add the right compost and 4. Understand how to layer your bulbs.
Choosing the right bulbs
The hardest part about planting bulbs is deciding which ones to choose. Our range of Taylors bulbs include XL packs, Select Premium, Best of the Best fragrance, Value Bags, and Taylors Choice. With great offers across our spring bulbs and summer bulb ranges you will have plenty to choose from. Lasagne planting can be done with a variety of flower types, it all about knowing which ones work best together.
Selecting the right pot
Choosing the right container, you need first of all consider the depth, you need to find a pot which will accommodate the number of bulbs you would like to plant as well as the layers of soil. The second thing to consider when choosing your pot is how well it drains, drainage hole isn’t always on every pot, and while you can drill your own, it’s best to select one which is suited for drainage purposes. Bulbs require a well-drained pot to ensure the bulbs don’t become overly soaked and rot.
Choosing the right compost
In general, a multi-purpose bulb specific compost is best used when planting potted bulbs. We have a selection of composts available in store which are perfect for . If you would like to find out more about the right composts to use for the job, visit our ‘choosing the right compost’ blog HERE.
How to lasagne plant your bulbs
Just like the name suggests, using the lasagne technique means working in layers. Firstly, plant your bulbs in a container filled with coarse potting soil, ensuring that no bulb is planted directly above another bulb. The basic rule to go off when knowing how to space your bulbs – you should space each bulb at least 2-3 bulb widths apart, then continue to place the next layer of bulbs above and between the gaps of the previous layer. Plant the tallest flowers deepest in the pot with a couple of inches deep of soil at the base and move up with shorter and shorter varieties. Cover each layer with 1 inch of soil, leaving around 3 inches of soil on the top layer. Water well and then let nature take its course.
How to plant Spring Bulbs video tutorial:
Follow our helpful ‘how to’ video on planting your Spring Bulbs in a container this Autumn.
How to plant Bulbs directly into soil
Planting bulbs directly into your lawns, wildflower meadows or around the base of trees is a great way to create a natural-looking drift. Bulbs look best when they grow naturally – or at least when they look like they do. Spring bulbs look particularly impressive when planted informally in lawns.
Before you get started with planting bulbs directly into the ground, there are a couple of things which should be considered:
Choose the right bulbs for your garden conditions
Different bulbs thrive off of different conditions and soil types. Typically, most bulbs need a sunny, well drained soil, however, if you want to add some spring bulbs under a shaded tree or area of ground which is pro to retaining water, you may want to avoid certain bulbs.
Remembering where you planted your bulbs
It may seem obvious; however, it is very easy to plant some bulbs and say to yourself “yeah, I’ll remember where I planted them” and them mow right over the top, or dig them up when you’re weeding. Using markers just to identify where and what you planted is a simple and easy way to prevent this.

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