Gardening Calendar
February Gardening Tips
Finally there are signs that spring is in sight. Look out for shoots starting to appear and wildlife waking up as light levels and temperatures increase (when we don’t have snow!) With lots to do inside this month, you can prepare for the season ahead and outdoors it’s time to prune shrubs and climbers, as evergreen hedges.
Top Gardening Tips for February
- Prepare your vegetable seed beds and start to propagate seeds under cover. Veg that you can start growing indoors now are: beans, summer cabbage, cauliflower, peas, peppers, tomatoes, leeks, lettuce, onions to name a few.
- You can start chitting your potato tubers. To find our more, click HERE.
- Net and protect fruit and veg crops to keep birds away.
- Continue to ventilate your greenhouse on dry sunny days
- Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering
- Prune hardy evergreen hedges and renovate overgrown deciduous hedges. For more info, click HERE
- Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those that need planting ‘in the green’.
- Cut back any ornamental grasses.
- Keep and eye on your lawn – especially after snow and ice, which can really damage the growth and roots. Lawns can be prone to damage at this time of year. Areas suffering from dieback from tread might benefit from a stepping stone to allow access across the lawn without causing further damage. Once it gets warmer, you can treat and feed your lawn.
- Prune apple and pear trees – this is the time to do it as the trees are bare of leaves. Aim to remove 10%-20% of the overall canopy in one winter, working around the tree evenly. Remember the more your prune , the stronger the re-growth
- Continue to feed the birds and maybe pop up a bird box, they’ll be looking for good and safe nesting sites. For nest box tips, click HERE.
- Ensure houseplants have sufficient light, which they need light to carry on over the winter. They are best moved to sunny windowsill until March – but don’t leave houseplants on windowsills behind the curtains on frosty nights, especially if your windows are not double glazed.

Create Your Perfect Garden
Gardens mean different things to different people, from a secluded space to unwind in and relax or a place to entertain, chill out with family and friends, or simply enjoy pottering around your plot. Spending time outside helps to lower stress and anxiety, improves your mood, and is beneficial to mental health and wellbeing.
Start by thinking about what you want from your garden. Should it be inviting and welcoming, vibrant and fun, private and protected, or perhaps a spiritual space to meditate.
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